Camino Rose was born during some of the most challenging times we have faced as a society.
In the middle of Covid and everything that came with it - lockdowns, working from home, homeschooling, and the endless RAT and PCR tests - friends Charlie and Louise had a spectacular “aha moment”. 
We can all remember what those days were like. Days full of fear, stress, isolation, and a sense of disbelief and disconnectedness from the world.
Everyone can recall what happened once we were allowed to mix again, even in limited numbers. It was a taste of normality when nothing felt normal.
When that day came, friends and neighbours Charlie and Louise sought each other out. They popped the cork on a bottle of bubbly to celebrate their reunion and got down to some serious girl talk and luxury home beauty treatments. They revelled in being able to feel feminine again... to finally direct some attention to themselves after dedicating months to looking after their families.
All people like to feel good about themselves. And feeling good comes in all sorts of forms.
Charlie and Louise went straight to whipping out the fake tan.
They couldn’t wait for that sun-kissed glow after so much time hidden away from the outside world.
And that’s when the lightbulb moment came.
Charlie and Louise realised that something as simple as a fake tan made them feel good in a world full of chaos and distress.
They understood that it might have seemed insignificant in the face of the challenges that people were experiencing, however, they missed the “me time” activities that helped them to recharge. They missed the little indulgences that let them forget about the world for a while.
Charlie and Louise want to encourage women to take the time to be the best version of themselves.
They’re not just talking about aesthetics.
They’re talking about the feeling of well-being, gained by taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others from a full cup.
This unlikely mix of Covid and beauty treatments led to a conversation about why people avoid the "do-it-yourself" method of fake tanning.
Every woman everywhere knows what the true fear of using a fake tan is…it’s the orange, Oompa Loompa effect, right?
Diving deeper into this conversation, it soon became clear that while Charlie and Louise liked a lot of tanning products, they were all lacking in some way.
This dynamic duo didn’t stop with a simple “I wish…” conversation.
They acted decisively.
They started researching dermatologically and vegan-friendly ingredients.
They looked for ways to ensure that even a complete amateur could apply their tanning mousse without any streaks, without nasty chemical smells, and without a hint of tangerine in sight.
In other words, they wanted to create a fake tan that looked anything but fake.
Camino Rose isn’t just about tanning.
Camino Rose is an inclusive brand, a product line that’s made to help all persons of all ages and all body types to own their image.
Charlie and Louise spent many arduous hours developing a product so everyone can enjoy the self-assurance that comes from a natural feeling glow. A glow that camouflages the confidence-sapping appearance of cellulite that most of us know all too well.
The Camino Rose brand is all about doing what it takes to feel good within yourself.
The founders are big supporters of the “if you can’t tone it, tan it” school of belief.
You can do it without the Sun’s damaging rays, ruining your skin.
It may seem odd to talk about something as small as a tanning product making you ready to face the world.
Camino Rose, it’s not about looking good so much as it is about feeling good. They want everyone to have the ultimate products at their fingertips if they want lovely, luminous skin to brighten their day and appearance.   
Camino Rose’s story won’t end with their tanning mousse.
Charlie and Louise are now obsessed with finding ways to make all persons feel surer of themselves in a world that can be so hard to navigate.
There are whispers of more skin care products in the Camino Rose pipeline that will help you strut out of your front door with poise, ready to face anything the world throws at you.
Watch this space.
Camino Rose has only just begun.
Try Camino Rose’s self-tanning mousse today!